• Days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds

If you sell courses, digital products, coaching, or VIP days, this is the blueprint for your biggest Black Friday *ever*.

buy now!

black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box

black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box black friday in a box

The Hard Truth: 

If You're Not Cashing in on Black Friday, You're Leaving a Fortune on the Table...

Let's cut through the noise and get straight to the point—
Black Friday isn't just another day... It's THE DAY.

It's the Super Bowl of online sales, a once-a-year chance to skyrocket your revenue, boost your brand, and create raving fans who'll stick with you long after the holiday craze.

Why You Can't Afford to Ignore Black Friday:

FOMO is your friend

Unprecedented Buying Frenzy

Crush Your 2024 Sales Goals

People are primed to BUY. They've got their wallets out, their fingers hovering over the "Purchase" button.

If you're not offering anything, guess what? They're spending that money somewhere else.

Black Friday is all about scarcity and urgency—two massively powerful psychological triggers. 

With the right offer, and genuine urgency, you can create incredible demand.

Imagine hitting your monthly sales goal in just ONE week. 

It's not just possible - we've got the proof to back it up. 

If you have the right strategy in place. 

get bfiab!

You need to plan a killer Black Friday campaign with compelling offers and smart marketing tactics.

So, how do you catch your audience's eye and stand out among the Black Friday madness?

It's not enough to run a "15% OFF!" sale or simply push a few posts to social media and expect people to buy.

You need to create a campaign that attracts your ideal customer, creates special urgency, and gives multiple pathways for people to purchase.

While it might sound complicated, it is actually simple to run and extremely effective.

I have honed in on an effective 5-day campaign strategy that is a perfect fit for personal brand entrepreneurs and course creators.


(I've made tens of thousands of dollars in sales using it and so have my students)

You don’t need a huge audience for this to be successful.

You don't need to run paid ads or hire a copywriter or graphic designer.

And you don't need months of prep work in advance.

As long as you have some kind of audience, an email list, and a few offers or products to sell... you can knock this out of the park.

This promotional strategy has been tested and perfected since 2019, and has been put together for you into one easy-to-implement campaign.

buy now!

pre-sale pricing ends Nov 1

Need proof it works? I've got receipts.

Here’s the backstory of how campaign strategy this came together: 

In 2019 I was looking for a way to take part in Black Friday, but I wanted to do something different than your standard sale. 

Enter the “5 days of deals” idea. I loved this for a few reasons. One, it was completely different from the promotions I was seeing other people do in the online course creator world. Second, it allowed me to lengthen the sale from one day to a full week. And three, it still created daily urgency by using a 24 hour countdown for each offer. 

The only problem? 

I was only selling two products at the time. And I was in the midst of pivoting my business niche.

But I’m one of those “jump and figure it out on the way down” kind of entrepreneurs, so I went for it. 

I came up with 5 different offers for the 5 days of deals and ran with it. 

I was blown away. 

The next year I used the strategy again and started teaching it to my students. 

And ever since then I have been updating, refining, and perfecting the campaign more and more each time. 

Oh and revenue? Yeah, it’s grown too. 

Last year in 2023 was my best year yet. Over the week, my company did $91,451 USD in sales. And let’s talk about the profit margin. Because there was no ad spend or additional expenses incurred with running this campaign… so can we call that 100% pure profit? Because, damn. 

And the result? $8,853 in revenue, 143 sales, 3 new offer ideas validated, and a business pivot accomplished. 

(remember, 3 of those weren’t even built yet - I was selling the idea, not the finished product)

And I’m not the only one. 

My students have run this exact campaign across hundreds of industries… and it just WORKS. 

- Katy Caldwell, real estate professional

"I'm a lazy launcher and I made $84,000 in sales from my Black Friday Week!" 



- First Black Friday Campaign: Katy set a goal of $50,000 and ended up generating $84,000 in sales.

- Second Campaign (Spring Sale): Without a lengthy runway, Katy repeated the strategy and generated $81,000 in sales, almost matching her Black Friday results.

- Consistent Sales: Even with mid-range to low-ticket items, Katy was able to achieve high sales volumes, disproving the myth that only high-ticket items can drive significant revenue

Who: Katy Caldwell, Hustle Humbly Podcast

Industry: Real Estate

Audience Size: ~6,500 email subscribers during the first Black Friday campaign

Products: Digital courses and a membership

- Although Katy describes herself as a "lazy launcher," she followed the Black Friday in a Box calendar and promotional strategy to ensure she was prepared.

- Despite initial concerns, Katy maintained high open rates throughout the promotion, with rates staying around 61-63% even after sending multiple emails over the five-day sale

- Katy leveraged her podcast as a key driver of traffic, placing ads for the Black Friday promotion in the weeks leading up to the sale.

case studies case studies case studies case studies case studies case studies case studies case studies case studies case studies case studies case studies case studies case studies

“I sent 31 emails in 5 days and made nearly $94,000 in my Black Friday blitz!”

- Paula Crossfield, Vedic Astrology and Business Strategist


-The campaign generated nearly $94,000 in total sales, with $44,000 coming from the new Cosmic Business Lab offer alone.

-Achieved a 2.5% conversion rate from her main email list, even with high email volume.

-Lower-priced items like a $27 workshop also performed well, bringing new customers into her ecosystem and setting them up for future higher-ticket sales.


Who: Paula Crossfield, Weave Your Bliss

Industry: Vedic Astrology and Business Strategy

Audience Size: ~25,100 email subscribers (plus an additional 15,000 on her mentor's lists)

Products: Courses and programs on Vedic astrology, business strategy, and Ayurvedic sciences

--Paula strategically planned her Black Friday in a Box campaign with five different offers across five days, covering both her own brand and her mentor’s business.

-She focused heavily on email marketing, sending 31 emails across three lists, with some days featuring up to three emails.

-Engaged directly with potential buyers through DMs to answer questions and encourage conversions, which proved crucial for her highest-ticket offer.



-The 5-day campaign generated $52,000 in sales, making it the most profitable sales week in her business at the time.

-With the introduction of time-limited offers and leveraging her engaged audience, Anna saw significant engagement and conversions, even from new leads.

-Anna has since run this sale twice a year (once in summer, once at Black Friday), which have consistently resulted in the highest revenue weeks in her business. 
Who: Anna Walker, Walker Strategy Co

Industry: Marketing and Copywriting for Therapists

Audience Size: 8700 at time of sale

Products: DIY marketing course, Squarespace templates, group coaching program, and done-for-you copywriting services

-Anna leveraged the Black Friday in a Box strategy to run a 5-day campaign, offering a variety of discounts and bundles across her existing product suite.

-She quickly prepared the campaign, introducing new bundles and offering discounts on her most popular courses, templates, and coaching programs to create urgency and excitement among her audience.

-Focused on email marketing and direct sales via Thrivecart for low-ticket items, while using her existing evergreen funnel and a vibrant Facebook group to nurture and convert leads.

 Anna Walker, Marketing Strategist for Therapists

"I turned my marketing expertise into $52,000 during a 5-day Black Friday frenzy!"

- Daniel David Wallace, Fiction Writing Coach

"I transformed my fiction writing knowledge into a $39,000 week!"



-The campaign generated almost $39,000 in sales over 5 days, far exceeding Daniel's original goal.

-Despite a high email volume, unsubscribe rates were minimal, showing strong audience interest and engagement.

-Daniel has since run this campaign style several more times due to its success and has created even higher revenue weeks in his business as a result
Who: Daniel David Wallace, Fiction Writing Coach

Industry: Writing and Education

Audience Size: ~3,000 email subscribers (with growth driven by summits)

Products: Courses on novel writing, writing style, and fiction marketing

-Daniel used the Black Friday in a Box strategy to create a 5-day promotional campaign, offering a range of products from $1 to $2,000, including a low-ticket $1 offer that led to recurring revenue through a paid newsletter.

-He followed the strategy closely, sending multiple emails per day and previewing the deals in advance, creating anticipation and urgency among his audience.

-The promotion featured a wide range of price points and targeted offers to engage both existing subscribers and attract new ones, ensuring high participation throughout the week.


Imagine what it would be like to easily prep and schedule a promotion that would blow your Q4 goals out of the water.

Show up on Black Friday Week and feel confident knowing that all your campaign prep is scheduled out. Have fun, feel chill, and watch the sales roll in.

Stop second guessing what kind of promotion to run and instead take a proven and time-tested campaign from a seasoned digital marketer.

Make sales on your regular products, new versions of existing offers, and even ideas that you have wanted to test and validate. This campaign style gives you that freedom and flexibility.

If you're skipping Black Friday, you're ignoring a goldmine. 

What you need is a proven, A-to-Z guide that walks you through EVERYTHING—from identifying what your audience *actually* wants, to crafting irresistible offers and executing a flawless campaign.

This is your Blueprint to a 
5-Figure Black Friday.

Stop Winging It. 

The ultimate toolkit designed to help you CRUSH your sales targets this Black Friday. 

A tried-and-true method that’s guaranteed to get results.

introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing introducing

I'm ready to have a Record-Breaking Black Friday >>


Here's what's waiting for you inside Black Friday in a Box...

The 5-Day Black Friday in a Box Blueprint Customized for Your Product Suite That Guarantees Success

Get your hands on Gemma's 5-Day Black Friday in a Box campaign that has led both her and countless students to rake in profits from $2k to over $50k! 

In this video workshop, you'll discover what to sell, how to structure your campaign, and ensure your products fly off the shelves.

You'll learn the secret techniques to make your products the irresistible Black Friday choice ... the ones that everyone HAS to have. 

Learn exactly how to structure and execute the campaign for a flawless, simple, and profitable outcome.

Value: $1000

Your Fail-Proof Timeline for Planning, Creating, and Executing a Profitable Black Friday Promotion (even if you start late!)

This Calendar and Campaign Playbook that takes you step-by-step through planning, creating, and executive your Black Friday Sale...

... even if you're getting a late start!

Follow the timeline and handy checklist to take the guesswork out of everything. 

No stress, all sales. 

Value: $197

Black Friday Swipe Files and Campaign Library

Swipe this collection of campaign summaries, ads, social graphics, emails, and landing pages Gemma has used throughout her 5-day campaigns to help inspire your own.

Assets include:

✓ Campaign summaries and sales stats
✓ Social graphics used during promotions
✓ Gemma's campaign sales pages
✓ Emails sequences sent during promotions

The full behind the scenes scoop!

Value: $197

Mastering the Art of Pricing for Black Friday: How to Set Prices That Attract Customers and Maximize Profits

Learn the art and science of Black Friday pricing. 

You'll set your prices in a way that's irresistibly attractive to customers while keeping your profit margins healthy. 

You'll also learn how to bulletproof your Black Friday execution to avoid costly mistakes and maximize sales. 

Sidestep common pitfalls and capitalize on opportunities you didn't even know where there (including offering products you don't even have created yet!).  

Value: $77

Effortless Automation: How to Run Your Black Friday Sale While You Sleep

In this module, Gemma will teach you the ins and outs of automating your Black Friday sale, so you can rake in the profits even while you're catching some Zs.

Learn how to set up your tech and what you can add as the "cherry on top" to boost conversions. 

Don't worry - you don't need a bunch of tech tools. The basic necessities are an email provider and a checkout software. 

Once you've built this, you can rinse + repeat every Black Friday or sale campaign you want to run!

Value: $77

How to Leverage a Small List to Make Big Sales This Black Friday

In this bonus resource, Gemma will show you how a small list doesn't have to mean small sales. 

Learn the tactics to punch above your weight this Black Friday.

Warning - these advanced email strategies will earn you more for every promotion you ever run in the future. 

Thank me later ;)

Value: $77

Black Friday in a Box… on AI

We have AI-ified Black Friday in a Box! All new for 2024, we have taken our core program and created in depth prompts and custom GPTs (aka robots!) to help you plan your campaign, write your copy, prep your emails and social posts, and more.

Create your entire campaign in a fraction of the time, thanks to our AI assistants.

Value: $299

Value: $299


Client Hall of Fame

Want to see how others have used Black Friday in a Box to run successful campaigns?

In the Client Hall of Fame, you can learn from others who have crushed it with this strategy.

Unlock their campaign run-downs, what they sold and for how much, promotional strategies, and more in these debriefs.



With Black Friday in a Box, we're talking game-changing, step-by-step guidance and jaw-dropping templates that will take you from zero to hero. 

Everything is laid out in an easy-to-follow format. It's like having me as your personal Black Friday coach, guiding you to the finish line.

Extras you can add on for faster implementation:

Plus, your backstage pass to the VIP Level

Black Friday Template Pack add-on

$197, ONLY $37 (add at checkout)!

Download these plug-and-play templates designed to engage your audience and prime them for your Black Friday sale. 

You'll Receive:

✓ 50+ Instagram Stories Graphics (Canva)
✓ 10+ Instagram Banner Graphics (Canva)
✓ 30+ Static Social Post Graphics (Canva)
✓ 30+ Email Banner Graphics (Canva)
✓ 20+ Sign Up Buttons for Email (Canva)
✓ 30+ Testimonial Templates (Canva)
✓ 15+ Product Mock-Up Graphics Pack (Canva)
✓ Checkout Page Templates (Thrivecart)

** This will be available as an optional add-on on the main checkout page.

VIP Implementation Week (aka “Get Shit Done with Gemma” Week)

This is perfect for entrepreneurs who want direct access to Gemma, need accountability, and are serious about getting their campaigns done in real time.

Don’t buy another digital product that will sit on your shelf. If you want hands-on accountability and a step-by-step approach, this is for you. You’ll get daily homework, live daily Zoom Q&As with Gemma, and a pop-up community space to keep you on track.

Comes with access to Gemma and her Lead Coach Chelsea Wallace so you can get every question answered and your campaign assets reviewed. 

What’s included:
✓ Everything in the regular Black Friday in a Box, plus: 
Daily emails with your homework, action items, and extra tips (Mon-Fri)
Daily live Office Hours in Gemma’s Zoom Room at 2:00pm EST so you can ask questions and stay on track (Mon-FrI) 
Access to a Pop Up Community Group for access to Gemma and Chelsea that will remain open until after Black Friday has wrapped

sounds amazing. I'm in! 

Join the Black Friday In a Box Implementation Week from October 21-25 for just $299.

pre-sale pricing ends Nov 1

Only $497 $97 

Why settle for a few extra sales when you can hit the jackpot?

Grab Black Friday in a Box and make this your most profitable week EVER.

Standard Package


$497 $97

Get this pre-sale price before it increases on Nov 1. Save 67%!!
What you'll receive:

  • The 5-Day Black Friday in a Box Strategy Customized for Your Product Suite That Guarantees Success [video workshop]

  • Campaign Planner: Your Fail-Proof Timeline for Planning, Creating, and Executing a Profitable Black Friday Promotion [Spreadsheet]

  • Black Friday Swipe Files and Campaign Library [Swipes, email examples, sales pages]

  • Prompts and AI Assistants to help you execute faster than ever [Custom GPTs]

  • How to Set Prices That Attract Customers & Maximize Profits [Pricing guide]

  • How to Run Your Black Friday Sale While You Sleep [Automation guide]

  • Leverage a Small List to Make Big Sales [Bonus Tips]


Template Pack add-on


$37 More!

Add the template pack at checkout for faster and easier implementation. 


What you'll receive:

  • Everything in the Standard Package

  • 50+ Instagram Stories Graphics (Canva)

  • 10+ Instagram Banner Graphics (Canva)

  • 30+ Static Social Post Graphics (Canva)

  • 30+ Email Banner Graphics (Canva)

  • 20+ Sign Up Buttons for Email (Canva)

  • 30+ Testimonial Templates (Canva)

  • 15+ Product Mock-Up Graphics Pack (Canva)

  • Checkout Page Templates (Thrivecart)

Over 150 templates... and a whole lot of time saved. Can we say no-brainer?

VIP - Implementation Week

Add on for 



Join the Black Friday In a Box Implementation Week from October 21-25

What’s included:

  • Everything in the regular Black Friday in a Box, plus: 

  • Daily emails with your homework, action items, and extra tips (Mon-Fri)

  • Daily live Office Hours in Gemma’s Zoom Room at 2:00pm EST so you can ask questions and stay on track (Mon-Fri) 

  • Access to a Pop Up Community Group for access to Gemma and Chelsea, which will remain open until Black Friday wraps up
The "VIP Implementation Week" will be available to purchase after you've completed checkout of the standard package. 

Listen to How “Black Friday in a Box” Transformed These Businesses

Success Stories: Real Clients, Real Results

Mom of two, home decor aficionado, world-traveller, real estate investor, and a shameless Real Housewives fanatic (seen every episode).

And as a Business Strategist & Coach for ambitious entrepreneurs, I'm here to help you create, launch, and market the heck out of your online courses and digital offers. 

Because, on a real note, since January 1st 2020, I've had NO $0 days in my business.

In fact, I've done multiple 6-figures in course sales per year steadily since 2017, and hit my first mill/yr in 2022.

But let’s rewind the tape real quick because it’s important to note it wasn’t always 20 hour work weeks and digital course bliss over here.

When I was working my 9-5 in public health, sitting in traffic sweating in the sticky summer heat (in a car with no AC), and so, so pregnant…

I could have never imagined I’d quit my job, start an online business, and grow it into something I LOVE.

I'm Gemma Bonham-Carter.

Hang on a sec, have we officially met?

After learning the hard way, tweaking my process, and seeing real results, I grew my course sales to $130k the following year.

From there, I’ve built a business that brings in high 6- and 7-figs a year in gross revenue…

... all thanks to online courses.

THIS is what I was after all those years ago when I decided not to go back to my Public Health career after my maternity leave.

Getting to be more present at home, have flexible work days doing something I love, and creating financial security was always the dream.

I share all of that not to toss a typical rags-to-riches story your way and sell you an Insta Million Dollar Business in a Bottle™ formula (…run the other way if anyone does!)

But to show you what’s possible and why I’m so obsessed with digital courses and smart marketing strategies.

And to highlight why—after over 7 years in the digital marketing world and helping thousands of business owners launch their courses—I’m more dedicated than ever to helping YOU reclaim your time, have more freedom, and make a big, big impact in the world.

Sometimes when I’m hanging with my kids after school, I stop and think:

I launched my first course (for bloggers!) in 2017, and I made $13k for the year. It wasn’t much, but I was stoked—and hooked.

Love, Gemma

I’m dedicated not only to helping you launch an online course…

... but to helping you get really smart with your marketing strategies so that your business (and life) can look dramatically different a lot sooner than you think.

✓ No more Googling.

✓ No more watching everyone else launch and build the lifestyle business you want for yourself.

✓ No more analysis paralysis.

Just proven strategies, customizable tools, and all the knowledge that’s in my marketing and funnels-obsessed brain.

If you’re with me, now’s the time to get excited because it’s about to be ALL yours.

See you on the inside.

And let’s take this one step further.

featured in:

As soon as you enroll, you’ll be sent a welcome email with the link to access your student dashboard.

The video training, swipes, spreadsheets, checklists, guides, and other tools will all be immediately available inside your dashboard. 

From there, you'll implement what you've learned and run the most amazing Black Friday campaign you've ever done. Then you'll write and tell us how successful it was so we can cheer you on ;) 

You will be given lifetime access to Black Friday in a Box, so can come back to it year after year as needed (plus, you'll get all future updates to the program for free!).

Here's how it works:


secure my spot in black friday in a box now!



We recommend a "Deal of the Day" campaign where you will be selling 5 different products each day during Black Friday week.

However, don't worry if you don't have 5 different offers yet.

Gemma is going to show you how you can break up what you already have into new, smaller offers, and show you how you can even pre-sell a product that doesn't exist yet!

And, these offers don't all have to be digital products. They can be a mix of 1:1 offers, VIP days, or done-for-you services. 

Size doesn't always matter -- it's more about engagement, hype, and nailing your offers.

Inside Black Friday in a Box, you'll find a 5-day campaign strategy that work across platforms.

While the campaign does rely on email marketing as the main communication channel, you can easily use the same strategy on Instagram, TikTok, in a Facebook Group, or wherever you have built an audience.

No matter what your list or audience size, Black Friday in a Box will show you how to maximize your earnings.

It's hard to give an exact estimate of the time required to prep this campaign, as it can depend on how fast you work. 

But, if you work efficiently and use all the material we provide to you, then you could likely get it all planned and scheduled in about 5-ish hours.  

Want to go faster? Grab the template pack we're offering as a "bump" on the checkout page and cut that time in half (at least)! 

You want to grab the template pack to make life easier and faster? 

Awesome. Such a smart move! 

Yes, you will need those software platforms in order to use the templates. 

The vast majority of them are for Canva, which I'm guessing you already use if you're an online entrepreneur :) 

Whoa, hold on there! 

Think you're too late to the Black Friday game? Think again. 

With Black Friday in a Box, you'll get a Fail-Proof Timeline that guides you through the planning, creation, and execution stages—even if you're off to a late start. 

No more stress, just follow the timeline and watch the sales roll in.

Absolutely! I have used this same strategy in the summer months for a "Summer Sale" and worked just as effectively.

I love recommending it for Black Friday because we know that people are actively shopping, but feel free to rinse and repeat the strategy anytime you want to run a flash promo.

As soon as you enroll, you’ll be sent a welcome email with a link to login to your student dashboard.

The training and all of downloadable materials are inside your account, ready to dive into!

We're so confident that Black Friday in a Box will help you hit your sales targets that we're offering a Money-Back Guarantee.

If you run this campaign as directed and make no sales, simply reach out and we'll refund your investment. No questions asked. 

Look, we get it. Not everyone's a tech wizard. That's why we've designed this program to be as clear and user-friendly as possible. 

From plug-and-play templates to swipe files, to a guide on automating your Black Friday campaign, you’ll find simple, easy-to-implement steps. It's so straightforward, even your grandma could do it.

The baseline tech you need is an email provider, a landing page builder, and a checkout platform. If you're in online business already, you probably have all of these things. Nothing new needed! 

You're right, the internet is flooded with advice and strategies. But how much of it has been proven to work? 

Black Friday in a Box is based on tried-and-true methods that have generated 4- and 5-figure revenues for our students. 

It’s a comprehensive, A-to-Z guide that covers everything you need to know and leaves out the fluff you don’t. 

No more trial and error—just follow the blueprint.

Don't miss out on the biggest profit-pulling day of the year.

Make this a black friday for the record books

pre-sale pricing ends Nov 1

Standard Package


$497 $97

Get this pre-sale price before it increases on Nov 1. Save 67%!!
What you'll receive:

  • The 5-Day Black Friday in a Box Strategy Customized for Your Product Suite That Guarantees Success [video workshop]

  • Campaign Planner: Your Fail-Proof Timeline for Planning, Creating, and Executing a Profitable Black Friday Promotion [Spreadsheet]

  • Black Friday Swipe Files and Campaign Library [Swipes, email examples, sales pages]

  • Prompts and AI Assistants to help you execute faster than ever [Custom GPTs]

  • How to Set Prices That Attract Customers & Maximize Profits [Pricing guide]

  • How to Run Your Black Friday Sale While You Sleep [Automation guide]

  • Leverage a Small List to Make Big Sales [Bonus Tips]


Template Pack add-on


$37 More!

Add the template pack at checkout for faster and easier implementation. 


What you'll receive:

  • Everything in the Standard Package

  • 50+ Instagram Stories Graphics (Canva)

  • 10+ Instagram Banner Graphics (Canva)

  • 30+ Static Social Post Graphics (Canva)

  • 30+ Email Banner Graphics (Canva)

  • 20+ Sign Up Buttons for Email (Canva)

  • 30+ Testimonial Templates (Canva)

  • 15+ Product Mock-Up Graphics Pack (Canva)

  • Checkout Page Templates (Thrivecart)

Over 150 templates... and a whole lot of time saved. Can we say no-brainer?

VIP - Implementation Week

Add on for 



Join the Black Friday In a Box Implementation Week from October 21-25

What’s included:

  • Everything in the regular Black Friday in a Box, plus: 

  • Daily emails with your homework, action items, and extra tips (Mon-Fri)

  • Daily live Office Hours in Gemma’s Zoom Room at 2:00pm EST so you can ask questions and stay on track (Mon-Fri) 

  • Access to a Pop Up Community Group for access to Gemma and Chelsea, which will remain open until Black Friday wraps up
The "VIP Implementation Week" will be available to purchase after you've completed checkout of the standard package. 

Time's ticking! If you wait until the last minute to plan your Black Friday promotion, you’re literally throwing money away. Why risk it?

secure your record-breaking black friday

pre-sale pricing ends Nov 1

Need to chat it through? Get in Touch

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DM On instagram:


Any earnings or income statements or examples shown through our website are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular financial outcome based on the use of our website. You agree that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results.


I present testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences with my program for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.

Per FACEBOOK™ and Instagram™ rules, we must mention that this is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with FACEBOOK, Inc. or Instagram, Inc – All Rights Reserved – Terms & Conditions