Never write a boring newsletter again.

For personal brand entrepreneurs ready to leverage email marketing more effectively: 

The weekly email strategy that has led to over $1.75M in digital product sales (yes, actually).

I’m ready to get the million dollar email strategy →

a 'not boring' email!

Streamline your business

Make more sales

Turn readers into buyers

Write epic shit

Are You Struggling to Get Your Emails Noticed and Drive Sales?

Every expert out there claims it’s the golden ticket to skyrocketing sales and building a loyal audience. And they make it sound so simple, right?

Just repurpose your social media posts, sprinkle in a few “expert” tips, and voilà – your sales will soar while you sip cocktails on the beach. Yeah... right *eye roll*

So here you are… staring at the screen, trying to craft the perfect email. Should be a breeze, right?

There’s just one tiny problem…

You’ve probably heard it a million times: email marketing is the holy grail of online business. 

Writing emails that genuinely connect and convert is still f*#king hard.

You’re a capable entrepreneur. But you know your emails could be better.

Spending hours on emails that get ignored or worse, unsubscribed from, crushes your confidence and makes you doubt your strategy.

The real kicker? You don’t know what you don’t know.

Every time you hit ‘send’ on a new email, it feels like a shot in the dark.

You don’t need overnight success, but you do want to look like you know what you’re doing. 

You’re not a newbie who thinks you’re one email away from a six-figure launch. You understand that building an engaged email list takes time and effort. (You know that.)

You’ve been putting in the work, staying patient, but sometimes it feels like you're spinning your wheels…

I’m ready to get out of my writing rut and into a million dollar method →

Here are the biggest mistakes personal brand entrepreneurs are making when it comes to email.

#1: The Mistake of Recycling Content

Are you guilty of this email marketing blunder? Repurposing your social media posts or blog articles as emails without really changing much? If so, you're not alone, but it's time to stop.

Recycled content that doesn’t read as a true email leads to uninspired newsletters that no one wants to open. 

You’re so busy posting to Instagram, recording another video, publishing podcast episodes, and actually delivering for your clients, that email gets pushed to the backburner.

And when email is an afterthought, it shows. The quality drops, your subscribers lose interest, and they start unsubscribing.

Result? Declining engagement and missed sales opportunities.

Stop treating your email list like a dumping ground for recycled content. Your audience deserves better.

#2: The Mistake of Over-Teaching or Only Story-Telling

Another common mistake is over-teaching in your emails. Flooding your audience with too much information can leave them feeling overwhelmed, to the point where they think they’ve gotten all they need and never have to buy anything from you.

On the flip side, some entrepreneurs are fantastic storytellers but never teach. They share entertaining stories that captivate their audience. But without ever establishing their expertise, their audience doesn’t see them as the go-to authority in their niche.

There’s a delicate balance between teaching, storytelling, entertaining, and building credibility. Your emails need to strike this balance to truly convert your readers into paying customers. If you lean too heavily on one side, you risk missing out on the full potential of your email marketing. 

And while the fix is simple, you need to understand the big picture strategy.

#3: The Mistake of Delegating Email Writing

Founders and business owners often make the mistake of delegating email writing to a VA or team member too quickly. They assume it’s a task that can be easily handed off, but what they don’t realize is that the core idea, thought leadership, and unique voice of the business can get lost in the process.

When you delegate this critical task, the soul of your business starts to fade. Your emails end up sounding generic and “same same” as everyone else’s because no VA can fully get inside the CEO’s brain to extract and convey their thought leadership.

Your voice is unique. Your ideas are unique. Don’t let that get diluted by outsourcing too soon. Keeping the email writing task in your hands ensures that your brand’s voice remains authentic, engaging, and true to its core.

I’m ready to level up my emails →

This is why I’m Bull-ish on Email Marketing (and you should be too…): 

Sales happen through email. Full stop. Research shows that email marketing outperforms all other platforms in terms of volume and conversion rates. When done right, email marketing can massively increase your sales.

7-Figure CEOs Write Their Own Emails 

If you intentionally build your email list and send compelling, high-quality emails, your sales will soar. My business has grown from zero to 7-figures in annual revenue largely thanks to email marketing, with over half of my revenue each year directly attributed to emails I send.

It doesn’t matter how you grow your list—whether it’s through collaborations, podcast interviews, social media, YouTube, Pinterest, blogging, or any other method. The key is to get those leads on your email list and consistently send great emails. When you do, you will always have an audience ready to buy from you.

By mastering email marketing, you ensure a steady stream of sales and a reliable revenue source, making your business resilient and profitable.

You will Skyrocket Your ROI with Email Marketing

There are no algorithms to fight with, no risk of your account being taken away, and no fleeting trends to stay on top of.

You own your email list. This ownership gives you incredible power and security. Social media platforms can change their rules, reduce your reach, or even shut down your account at any moment. But with email, you have a direct line to your audience that no platform can take away.

The safety and control that come with owning your email list are unmatched. You’re not at the mercy of algorithm changes or the whims of a social media platform. Your list is yours, providing a stable and reliable way to connect with your audience, build relationships, and drive sales.

By focusing on email marketing, you gain a resilient and sustainable marketing channel. One that ensures your business can thrive without being dependent on the unpredictable nature of social media.

Email is your Business Security Blanket

Email marketing is algorithm-proof. Unlike social media, where algorithms constantly change and control who sees your content, email ensures that your message reaches your audience directly. 

One of the greatest opportunities in email marketing is recognizing that no matter how “big” you get, as a Personal Brand Entrepreneur you should always write your own emails. While you can delegate many tasks in your business, holding on to email writing is crucial. Why? Because this is where your thought leadership is born. 

Your emails are the central core of your brand's voice, where you can share your original ideas and unique insights. These emails can then be repurposed into social media content, podcast episodes, YouTube scripts, website articles, and even new digital products and service ideas. Everything flows from the core email, making all your content creation and marketing efforts more cohesive and effective.

7-figure CEOs understand that to be truly effective and profitable, they need to maintain control over their email communications. 

By writing your own emails, you ensure that your thought leadership remains strong and your brand’s unique voice is heard loud and clear. This is the secret to building a thriving, sustainable business where everything else can be delegated from your core emails.

According to a study by HubSpot, for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return is $42. That’s an ROI you can’t afford to ignore. 

featured in:

Hey there, I’m Gemma Bonham-Carter,

And in case you can’t already tell, I’m passionate about helping personal brand entrepreneurs like you unlock the true potential of email marketing.

I've built my 7-figure/year digital business around the power of email. 

When I launched my first course in 2016, I came from a blogging background and decided to lean into email from the beginning. 

Today, my email list has over 35,000 active subscribers (and I scrub this regularly!). I get a 50% or higher open rate on almost every email I send. And I’ve consistently sent at least one email a week for the past 6+ years.  

I've honed my email marketing skills to the point where I've generated well over $1.75 million in sales directly attributable to email.

For years, I would stare at a blank screen, unsure of what to write. Spending hours crafting emails that didn’t convert. Every email felt like a guessing game. My voice wasn’t clear. And nothing really clicked. The frustration was real.

Over time, I realized that email marketing wasn’t just a box to tick on my marketing to-do list. It was about connecting with my audience on a multi-dimensional level: showing up as a thought leader, friend, and educator - all in one place. It’s where my brand’s soul resides, and I want to share that magic with you.

Once I realized this nuance and continued testing and developing my strategies, I transformed my email marketing practice from a random task on a never-ending list, into a powerful f*cking sales tool. 

But it wasn’t always this way.

Email is algorithm-proof, offers unmatched engagement, and drives more sales than any other platform when done right.

All of my social media platforms could disappear tomorrow, and I would still be able to run my business and make money because of my email list. It's a safety net that makes all the difference as a solopreneur. 

Now, I want to help you skip the struggle and fast-track your success with The Email Fix.

1. Create Your Profit-Driven Email Template

Learn to build a reusable, adaptable email layout with all essential elements—personalized blocks, your super signature, key conversion sections, and other branding components that we know work. This infrastructure saves you valuable time and ensures every email you send is sales-oriented and on brand. By establishing this ahead of time, you eliminate the repetitive work of designing each email from scratch, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: writing epic emails.

Here's how it all breaks down

2. Nail the Million Dollar Email Strategy

Discover the big picture strategy that will transform your weekly email marketing. We dive into distinct types of emails you need to use to connect with your audience on multiple levels. These are designed to tap into psychological triggers that foster trust, engagement, and loyalty. Mastering this will enable you to create a comprehensive and compelling email approach that captivates and converts, keeping your audience eagerly anticipating your next email. Understanding this approach will change how you’re doing email… in the best way.

3. A Year of Emails

Gain access to a digital library with over a year’s worth of attention-grabbing email ideas. Yes, a full YEAR! This resource ensures you always have compelling content ready to send, taking your emails from boring to best in class. No more second-guessing what to write or staring at a blank cursor. These ideas - with subject lines, prompts and descriptions - are designed to pull out thought leader content that will engage your audience, add value, and turn subscribers into superfans. I sold a version of this product in the past to over 6386 happy entrepreneurs. It’s a goldmine! 

4. Develop Your Writing Practice

Avoid email writing ruts by developing a solid writing habit that you enjoy and stick to. In this 4-step process, I will show you how to get in the creative zone, integrate writing into your daily routine, and set yourself up for creating your best work… fast. You’ll find writing emails becomes a natural and productive part of your workflow, taking no more than 30 minutes a week.

5. Metrics That Matter

Tracking key email marketing metrics is essential for understanding the effectiveness of your campaigns and optimizing your strategy. Learn which metrics to focus on, the benchmarks to aim for, and why these metrics matter. This insight will help you gauge engagement, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately drive conversions, making your email marketing efforts more impactful and data-driven.

6. Build Your Content Database

Once you’re sending epic emails, you’ll want to create a central repository for all your significant content—starting with emails, but with space to add blog posts, podcast episodes, and YouTube videos if you wish. This content bank makes repurposing easy, allows for quick referencing of past materials, and maintains a cohesive brand voice across all platforms. Prep it and hand it over to your VA - they’ll love you for it! 

7. Multiply Like Magic with AI

Unlock the secret to effortless content creation with the Hero Email AI Strategy. Learn how to turn one great email into multiple pieces of content for Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, blog posts, podcasts, and more using AI. This strategy allows you to extend the reach and lifespan of your original message, saving you time and ensuring consistent branding. Once you’ve dialed in your AI process, outsource this workflow to a VA and take content creation completely off your plate! You write the emails, and everything else flows from there. CEO vibes.

Want some bonuses?

The AI “Master Prompt” to Write 5X Faster

If you’ve embraced AI, you’re probably thinking about how to leverage AI to help you actually write your emails. While you can absolutely keep all your email writing as a human-only activity, if you need help getting started, this bonus has you covered. We share our “master prompt” for ChatGPT or Claude, that ensures your AI-generated drafts sound just like you. This pre-built prompt is based on extensive use and testing, helping you produce high-quality emails (not the robot sounding ones). 

Cool, here are a few you’ll love…

Hot Tips for Better Emails

Enhancing your copywriting skills, finding your voice, and creating an on-brand email style takes time. This bonus provides quick email tips that can make all the difference between an email that gets trashed and one that gets devoured. These insights will help you refine your writing, ensuring your emails are engaging, on-point, and aligned with your brand.

The GIF Effect

Make your subscribers laugh and you can almost guarantee they’ll open all your future emails. One of my favorite ways to inject personality into emails is by using GIFs from pop culture or creating my own. This bonus lesson shows you where to find the perfect GIFs, how to make your own, and how to embed them into your emails. Adding this visual and entertaining element can significantly boost engagement and reader enjoyment.

183+ Subject Lines To Swipe

Your emails might be amazing, but what if they don’t get opened? This bonus offers a list of 183+ subject lines as inspiration. These lines, pulled from various brands with proven high open rates and my own database of top performers, are designed to spark curiosity and intrigue. Stop searching and start swiping, generating open-worthy subject lines over and over, ensuring your emails get the attention they deserve.

Email Architect Workshop

Dive into the complete, transparent breakdown of what goes into a million-dollar email marketing strategy in this workshop replay. Originally co-hosted by Gemma Bonham-Carter and Mallory Rowan, this two-hour paid workshop covered insights into our tactics that drive high revenue through email marketing, empowering you to replicate this success in your own business.

  • Create Your Profit-Driven Email Template (value: $97)
  • Nail the 7-Figure Email Strategy (value: priceless) 
  • A Year of Emails (value: $250) 
  • Develop Your Writing Practice (value: $200) 
  • Metrics That Matter (value: $47) 
  • Build Your Content Database (value: $47)
  • Multiply Like Magic with AI (value: $97) 
  • BONUS: Meet AI, Your Email Writing Assistant (value: $47)
  • BONUS: Hot Tips for Better Emails (value: $27)
  • BONUS: The GIF Effect (value: $19)
  • BONUS: 183+ Subject Lines To Swipe (value: $27)
  • BONUS: Email Architect Workshop (value: $197)

The weekly email marketing strategy used by a 7-figure Founder :


Actual Value, if I sold these separately: Over $1055  


And did I mention it’s risk-free? 

The Email Fix comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. 

If you aren’t satisfied, we wouldn’t feel right keeping your money. Contact us within 48 hours for a full refund. 

The Email Fix comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you aren’t satisfied, we would not feel right keeping your money. Contact us within 48 hours of purchase for a full refund. To be clear, there are no strings attached, no forms to fill out, and nothing to prove. We won’t even ask for all of your newly gained email marketing insight and strategy back;)

Because of the nature of digital products, this is a pretty generous refund policy. Don’t be the person who buys, downloads all the material, checks out every lesson, and then asks for money back even though you loved the product. I mean… talk about bad karma. Please also note that this product can be in no way reproduced or sold. 

So, Who Needs This Product?

Personal Brand Entrepreneurs whose businesses depend on building strong relationships with their audience.

Course creators
Content creators
Digital product sellers
Affiliate marketers

Invest in yourself - Unlock the weekly email method that drives big results →


Q: What exactly is The Email Fix?

A: The Email Fix is a comprehensive resource designed to help you master email marketing. It includes a year’s worth of email ideas, strategic frameworks, writing practice guides, metric tracking insights, a content database system, and strategies for repurposing your content. 

Q: Who is The Email Fix for?

A: The Email Fix is perfect for personal brand entrepreneurs, course creators, coaches, and service providers who want to enhance their email marketing efforts. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing strategies, this resource will help you engage your audience and boost your sales.

Q: Can The Email Fix help me if I have a small email list?

A: Absolutely! The strategies in The Email Fix are effective regardless of the size of your email list. In fact, the sooner you nail your email strategy, the better. As your list grows, you’ll automatically see those sales jump, too.

A: You’ll have lifetime access to all the materials in The Email Fix. This means you can revisit the content anytime you need a refresher or want to dive deeper into specific strategies. And even better? Any updates or additions that are made you will receive without paying an extra dime. 

The Email Fix is hosted on our online learning platform, Teachery. Once you enroll, you will be immediately sent an email with login instructions to create your account. The content is provided in written lessons, video format, and Google Docs.

We created these prompts to be applicable across niches. Whether you are in health/wellness, business coaching, parenting, real estate or something else, it doesn’t matter. They are designed to align with the psychological triggers we need to create in our emails to be effective and you can apply them to any personal brand business.

No. The Email Fix is designed for personal brand online entrepreneurs. This program is a perfect fit for online coaches, course creators, freelancers, consultants, bloggers, wellness experts, and solopreneurs. It will NOT work for ecommerce or boutiques.

A: While The Email Fix provides the strategies and frameworks, you’ll need an email marketing platform to send your emails. We recommend using popular platforms like ConvertKit, Flodesk, or ActiveCampaign, but the principles taught in The Email Fix can be applied to any email service provider.

Q: Will I need any additional tools or software to use The Email Fix?

Q: How long will I have access to The Email Fix?

Q: How do I access The Email Fix? 

Q: What industry are the email prompts for? 

Q: I own an eCommerce business. Is this for me? 

A: We offer a 100% money back guarantee within 48 hours of purchase. Please write in to hello[at]gemmabonhamcarter[dot]com. 

Q: What if I’m not satisfied with The Email Fix?

If you're still here, let's get honest.

You understand how effective and profitable email marketing can be and you know you’re not tapping into it the way you could be. 

And while I tried not to “oversell” this…

… this is one of those little digital products that could change everything about your business.

I could have made an email marketing course priced at $2,000. 

$199 is a bargain. 

If you need more convincing, then this isn’t for you. 

Let’s make it happen. 

xo, gemma

  • Create Your Profit-Driven Email Template (value: $97)
  • Nail the 7-Figure Email Strategy (value: priceless) 
  • A Year of Emails (value: $250) 
  • Develop Your Writing Practice (value: $200) 
  • Metrics That Matter (value: $47) 
  • Build Your Content Database (value: $47)
  • Multiply Like Magic with AI (value: $97) 
  • BONUS: Meet AI, Your Email Writing Assistant (value: $47)
  • BONUS: Hot Tips for Better Emails (value: $27)
  • BONUS: The GIF Effect (value: $19)
  • BONUS: 183+ Subject Lines To Swipe (value: $27)
  • BONUS: Email Architect Workshop (value: $197)

The weekly email marketing strategy used by a 7-figure Founder :


Actual Value, if I sold these separately: Over $1055