Are you the person who has tried countless different systems to create your schedule but still can’t stay on track?
Do you struggle with creating huge to-do lists but you know that most of those things aren’t actually resulting in more profit in your business?
Well today on the podcast we have Productivity Strategist Hannah Murphy. Hannah went from working 7 days a week with 3 clients, to working 3 days a week with 27 clients.
She’s the queen of productivity and doing it in a way that aligns with our individual personality types (hint: we’re talking enneagrams in this episode!).
She’s dishing out some of her best tips today on the podcast.
Let’s roll the tape…
Click ‘play’ to listen:

Want to see more of Hannah?
Ready to join The Passive Project?
If you want to dive into productivity on a way deeper level, I’m super excited to announce that Hannah is our Guest Expert inside of The Passive Project community next month. She’ll be delivering lessons, a workbook, be inside our private group for feedback and doing a one hour Q&A live session at the end of the month. We are so excited to have her help our students create the right kind of schedule for themselves – because let’s be real – we all want that dreamy work life kind of balance, right? No more frazzled entrepreneur vibes. If you want to join us in there – you can head to

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