“Gemma, I have all these ideas… what should I launch first?”
I get that question in my DMs a lot 🙂
When you are looking to branch out into digital products and add a 1:many offer to your business, you’ll start looking into it and likely get overwhelmed at all the options out there.
Do you create a…
A mini offer.A course.A membership.A group coaching program.Heck, maybe even an eBook?
After creating and selling digital products since 2016 and working with thousands of students, here’s what I know to be true: All of these things can work.
One type of offer doesn’t “win” compared to the others.
They can all be a success if you give them enough time and effort.
So what CAN make a difference to how quickly you grow your business?
–> The order in which you roll out your digital offers <–
In today’s episode, I’m diving into what I like to call the Profit Early Method!
This is the exact method I used to generate $500K in revenue last year!
So hit that play button!
Click ‘play’ to listen:

The Doors Are Now OPEN: Course Creator School
The Doors to Course Creator School are now OPEN! There has never been a better time to join. Get an incredible price and a ton of new bonuses when you join before May 16th, 2021!

Freebie of the week: How to launch an online course
Register for my free #courseclass to learn all about how you can launch an online course AND make sales before you even have the course created!

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