Exciting announcement!
Before I drop all the details, here’s the quick back story.
You know I’m the gal who turns creative entrepreneurs into successful course creators.
I work with 1:1 service providers, coaches, creatives, content creators, and other entrepreneurs to take what they know and launch courses, group programs and digital offers.
But what happens if you don’t have a clear idea yet on what your course should be about?
What if you are worried that your audience isn’t big enough yet?
What if you don’t have the first clue about where to really start?
I know that jamming everything into a 1-hour webinar really isn’t enough (and my #CourseClass webinar I have now mostly assumes you have a grasp on your course topic and audience).
So I decided to address these foundational concepts in a brand new LIVE event for anyone who is thinking about launching a course.
Online Course Prep School: Define your profitable program idea, map out your offer, and jumpstart your waitlist … in just 5 days

5 days.
Live training.
A pop-up community.
And a ton of clarity on how to move forward with your idea and get it launched.
When I started mapping this whole event out, I decided to charge for it.
I wanted it to attract just the action-takers. The ones who are serious about learning, implementing, and launching something in 2021.
Even if it was a small investment – like $19 – I was planning on making it paid.
But then guess what?
We went back into a “stay at home” order here in Ontario (so the 2 days/week my kids were in forest school disappeared) and I had to make my life as EASY as possible again.
Which meant that building out a sales page, a checkout process, and doing all of the work to make a paid event happen went out the window.
So what does that mean for you?
It means that I’m still going ahead with the whole event but making it F-R-E-E.
So take advantage!
(In the future I’ll probably run this again as a paid event… so this is the time to hop in!)
If you know that your current business model isn’t creating the freedom, growth, or revenue you’re capable of…
If you know that there’s a little voice telling you you’re meant for more…
If you are ready to branch out from what you’ve always done and step into a new role as a teacher and mentor…
… then go save your seat at Online Course Prep School.

Click ‘play’ to listen:

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